Franchise Development Services
Business owners and managers frequently consider expanding their businesses. Which method of expansion should be used? How much will it cost? What additional personnel will be required? How long will it take to reach the objective?
The Kosnar Group’s experienced consultants are available to help answer these questions. Since 1973 the Principals of The Kosnar Group have offered a highly specialized service for United States and international business clients. Franchising can be an effective and profitable method with which to expand both large and small businesses.
Whether your business is service or product oriented, The Kosnar Group offers professional market expansion counseling. Through our services we provide franchise and licensing program development for a wide variety of industries and professional business segments, including healthcare, environmentally sustainable organizations, retail, wholesale, and manufacturing businesses.
We invite you to review the material in this website and we look forward to hearing from you concerning your business expansion needs.
Franchise Sales Services
The Kosnar Group has facilitated hundreds of transactions ranging from the sale of a single-unit franchise to multi-unit sales involving Area Development and Master Franchise transactions worldwide.
Throughout the history of The Kosnar Group, our experience has allowed us to guide franchisors to accurately appraise the value of their franchise units and maximize franchise revenue.
The Kosnar Group has achieved success over the years because of a strict commitment to combining franchise development and sales into a synergistic approach to expanding client companies domestically and globally.
Legal Support Services
Whether or not your law firm has a background in franchise litigation, you may need support in the form of an opinion letter or formal expert report. You may also need appropriate testimony at deposition or trial, as to the facts of the particular case and various theories, claims and/or defenses presented.
Carl Kosnar is an expert who can bridge the gap between franchise and licensing business operations and the law to help you in litigation and ADR cases.